
To a place to meet regarding the fun yet important topic of money and relationships!

Wouldn’t it be great if the world was truly fair? Where every person you knew was truly 100% reasonable in every way, including with money?

There’s more to life than money. Sure, this blog is oriented around money, but I can assure you that I realize that much, much more to life than growing your net worth.

With how things are going economically in 2024, having multiple income streams will be more important than ever. The traditional job market is shifting as digital opportunities expand faster than we’ve seen before.

Broken engagements can mean broken hearts, or they can mean indifference.  In some cases, they can bring controversy.  In particular, issues can arise in terms of who returns the ring when an engagement is broken. 

Okay, I know that this isn’t the most uplifting or exciting title to a blog post!  Most of us want to get the most out of the precious life we have, not plan for the time afterward.  Totally understandable. I get it, and I’m with you on that 100%.

Well, normally I don’t consider myself to be a nosy person. I would like to think that I’m somebody who normally doesn’t like to pry into things that really aren’t my business, and is able to respect boundaries. 

In-laws. If you’re lucky, you have great ones. Some people aren’t as lucky.There is a couple I know that has encountered some interesting issues with in-laws. I know this couple well, so I won’t make the details identifiable – and will relay the situation is a slightly different way.

Grace was enjoying retirement and living alone when her adult child, Kathy, and her husband and two children found out they would have to leave the rented house they had lived in for years because the owner was selling and moving out of state.

Just hearing or reading the phrase “double your money” gets me thinking of a few different things.  The first is that anyone suggesting that they can double your money just may be trying to scam you.  This is simply a reactionary approach I have. 

“Jessica” (not her real name), was best friends with my cousin, Patty, throughout high school.  By the end of high school, Jessica was essentially living with Patty and her family.

In days gone by, there was an almost standard way of doing things.  Or so I understand, anyway.  The man would be the “provider” who would leave the home to work hard to make all the money to support his family.

Buying a car can be an exciting but nerve-wracking time for most people. While test drives and checking out features can be a fun foray, buying a car is a huge investment.

When people first get to know each other, they are often on their best behavior. They might pay careful attention to what they wear, how much they laugh at your jokes, how closely they pay attention to everything you say, and other similar behaviors.

When we were younger, a game of hide and seek was often fun.  I see that with my own kids, who play that game on occasion.  My oldest has even recruited me to play a few times, which I went along with.  Who says that we can’t be young at heart, right?

Have you ever lost touch with a former coworker or acquaintance, only to see them randomly years later? I’m sure most of us have had something like this happen, where we have run into someone after many years in a totally different context.

When many of us are looking for a partner, and thinking of getting married, there is some kind of standard narrative at play.  Meet someone attractive and fun, someone who you really enjoy spending time with.

Many Americans have moved out of the country to save money on expenses and live a better life in a lower cost of living area.  They find that living abroad allows them to stretch their money further and get more for their money than they could while living in the States.

Wouldn’t it be great to have full control over your finances, being able to make any and all decisions based on your own feelings, opinions, or analysis?

One of my friends had been dating someone for a while, a nice woman who seemed to be a good match for him.  They had known each other about a year, I believe, and seemed really happy together. 

Selling your property can be an overwhelming task especially when you are not certain what the value of your home is. Your worst nightmare can be selling the property at a way below value and regretting such choices.

The holiday season is a time of cheer and giving for many people.  It’s also a time of a little bit of suspense, when it comes to the gifts that people are giving one another.

Most of us enjoy saving money, right?  Who wouldn’t like to have extra money at the end of each month, based on some smart choices in terms of our expenses.  It’s even better when those choices don’t involve much sacrifice on our part.

Dating someone who is unemployed is clearly not for everyone. A recent article in Moneyland shares that there are many people out there who clearly won’t date somebody who is unemployed. Both genders had a percentage of people who fit that line of thinking.

Do you ever write a holiday letter to family and friends, letting them know about what happened during the year? Personally, I never have.  We simply don’t do that, but it’s never really been by design.