Submit Your Story

One of the great things about a blog is that we can learn from one another through articles, sharing information, and active discussion. In addition to encouraging active, thoughtful comments and responses within our articles, we encourage readers to submit a story.

What types of stories can be submitted? Well, we’re interested in hearing about your own personal experiences with money and relationships. Here are some examples of stories:

  • Sharing your couples money management skills with everyone, sharing what works
  • Discussing a challenge you might be having with a specific situation, and asking readers for feedback
  • Venting about issues you might have with money and relationships (be nice!)
  • Asking readers for general advice on a certain money/relationship topic
  • Or, simply sharing an interesting/funny story with everyone (again, be nice!)

Please share your story if you wish, we’d like to hear it!

Here are the ground rules:

Thank you , and enjoy Tie The Money Knot!

Please email your story to us at story (at) tiethemoneyknot (dot) com .  Or, feel free to submit your story to us in the form below

We will not share your email address in the post; it will be private

Within your story, please don’t share any obvious, personally identifiable information or details – such as names, addresses, employer, etc. Each submitter is responsible for the contents of his or her story.

We will review your story, and decide whether or not to publish. We’re open to submissions, just want to be sure they’re appropriate for this site.